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Depression Slayers [Resources]

by Tony Gjokaj January 09, 2024 1 min read

Depression Slayers Resources

Depression Slayers Workouts: 7 Workouts. 7 Demons to slay. Get your mood-lifting workouts here!

LIFT Your Mood: A guide on 3 pillars that boost mood and well-being.

Transformation Challenge Resources

Reforge Yourself 30 Day Challenge Overview

Transformation Challenge Support Group: Join our community for accountability and support throughout the challenge.

LIFT Your Mood Workout Program: A beginner's 4 day per week workout program!

The Reforged Diet: Our Flexible Nutrition strategy for a better life.

Reforged Grocery List

ChatGPT Nutrition Hacks Series: Get your calories, macros, grocery list, and meal plan by using ChatGPT!


Our YouTube Channel: I LIFT Moods was created to document my own fitness journey, and working alongside you to seize a greater life for ourselves.

The Muscle Compendium

5 Best Chest Exercises

5 Best Back Exercises

5 Best Shoulder Exercises

5 Best Quadriceps Exercises

5 Best Hamstrings Exercises

5 Best Biceps Exercises

5 Best Triceps Exercises

5 Best Glutes Exercises

5 Best Abs Exercises

5 Best Calves Exercises

Exercise Motivation & Hacks

5 Ways to Boost Gym Motivation

5 Unconventional Exercise Motivation Hacks

5 Benefits of Intermittent Exercise (Micro-Dosing Your Workouts)

Nutrition Guides

The Ultimate Protein Guide

The Ultimate Carbohydrate Guide

The Ultimate Guide to Fats

9 Nutrition Myths Debunked!

9 Hacks for Sustainable Weight Loss

Mindset Guides

5 Mindset Hacks To Combat Depression

5 Goal Setting Principles For Your Fitness Journey

Supplement Guides

5 Reasons Why You Should Use Pre-Workouts


LIFT Your Mood Challenge Deck: A bonus 30 Day challenge to build habits around exercise, nutrition, and sleep!

Zzz-Happy: The Ultimate Sleep Guide

5 Benefits of Sun Exposure: How sun exposure can help your physical and mental health.

    Tony Gjokaj
    Tony Gjokaj

    Tony is the Owner of Reforged. He is a PN1 Certified Nutrition Coach and has been in the fitness space for over a decade. His goal is to help millions exercise their way out of depression and anxiety.

    Also in Depression Slayers

    ChatGPT Nutrition Hacks Series

    by Tony Gjokaj June 06, 2024 1 min read

    In this series, I show you how to create your own nutrition plan using ChatGPT.

    Let's dive in!

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