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by Tony Gjokaj April 26, 2024 4 min read

In a world of competing motivations, there is so much against us.

So many notifications hitting our phones.

So many distractions.



Getting into the gym can be very difficult as a result of all of this.

However, despite all the hardship, I've seen many of you do amazing things.

Some of you have lost hundreds of pounds or got into awesome shape through showing up.

Sometimes, you have encountered days where you can't give 100%, and you can only give 60%.

And on some of those days, when you don't want to do it but you have to... you may need some sort of spark to get exercise on the forefront of your mind.

Today, I wanted to share with you 5 unconventional motivation hacks to get yourself in the gym.

These hacks are for you to utilize to give yourself that spark to get into gym when things are harder than typical.

Let's dive into them!

5 Unconventional Exercise Motivation Hacks

Watch the complementary video on this topic below:

1. Schedule Your Workouts like Appointments

Treat your gym sessions like crucial appointments by scheduling them on your Apple or Google Calendar.

Set reminders an hour or two before your workout to mentally prepare and gather your gear.

By treating exercise as a non-negotiable commitment, you're more likely to follow through.

For my work, I use a lot of Google tools like their calendar.

Because of this, I schedule my workouts on there as a reminder.

Both my phone and my desktop will send me notifications that it is almost time to workout.

2. Wear Your Gym Clothes Before You Go

Research suggests that there might be a possibility that clothes we wear influence our behavior and mindset.

Think about how you feel when wearing activewear: it reminds you it's time to get to work.

On my journey at the beginning, it helped me envision who I wanted to be.

I believe it can prime your brain for physical exercise, transitioning you into workout mode even before you arrive at the gym.

So get that activewear on and get ready for work!

When I worked at my previous job, I would keep my gym clothes in the office.

As soon as we closed, I changed into them in the bathroom and drove straight to the gym after we locked up.

3. Keep Workout Equipment Accessible

Bring the gym to you by keeping workout equipment at your work desk or within reach.

Use resistance bands, hand weights, or even unconventional items like nunchuks to sneak in quick exercises throughout the day.

I keep nunchuks at my desk to work my shoulders when I sit at the desk for a while.

Embrace the opportunity to stretch or perform mobility drills during breaks, even if it means looking a bit weird.

At my previous job, I would use some light dumbbells or bands if we had downtime.

Sure you might look like an oddball, but your health matters more than anything.

Whether you're at a desk job or in a fast-paced environment, incorporating movement into your day can boost energy levels and productivity.

4. Create a Social Accountability Group

Form a small accountability group with friends, colleagues, or online fitness communities.

Share your workout goals and progress with each other, and schedule regular check-ins or group workouts.

Knowing that others are counting on you can provide the extra push needed to stay consistent with your gym routine.

We are working on building out a discord group for this and we would love to see you in here.

Join our Depression Slayers Discord here.

5. Gamify Your Workouts

Turn exercise into a fun and engaging experience by gamifying your workouts.

Use fitness apps or wearable devices to track your progress, set challenges, and earn rewards for achieving milestones.

Challenge yourself to beat your previous records or compete with friends in friendly fitness competitions.

By adding an element of competition and reward, you'll inject excitement into your workouts and stay motivated to push harder.

BONUS: Take A Pre-Workout

Kick your gym session into high gear by incorporating a preworkout supplement into your routine.

Preworkout formulas are designed to enhance energy, focus, and performance, making them a valuable tool for powering through tough workouts.

One key ingredient to look for is beta-alanine, a non-essential amino acid known for its tingling sensation, scientifically termed "paresthesia."

This tingling sensation not only feels invigorating but also serves as a physical cue that you're primed and ready to crush your workout.

We created Pre-Forged Pre-Workout for this reason.

With 3.5g of Beta-Alanine and 6g of Citrulline, expect some awesome workout sessions.

Check Price & Purchase On Amazon


Get It Done No Matter What

Incorporating these unconventional motivation hacks into your routine can help you overcome mental barriers and stay consistent with your gym workouts.

Remember, finding what works best for you may require some experimentation, so don't be afraid to mix and match strategies until you find your winning formula.

Prioritize your health, and reap the rewards of a stronger, healthier, and happier you.

Until next time!

Tony Gjokaj
Tony Gjokaj

Tony is the Owner of Reforged. He is a PN1 Certified Nutrition Coach and has been in the fitness space for over a decade. His goal is to help millions exercise their way out of depression and anxiety.

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