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by Tony Gjokaj April 11, 2024 3 min read

In my own journey towards weight loss, I've experienced the frustration of overcomplicating and restricting my approach.

It was a journey marked by ups and downs, filled with tons of errors along the way!

However, through these struggles, I discovered several sustainable weight loss hacks that have transformed my approach to health and fitness.

These strategies not only helped me shed unwanted pounds but also fostered a healthier relationship with food and exercise.

In this post, let's explore 9 hacks for sustainable weight loss.

Let's dive in!


9 Hacks For Sustainable Weight Loss

1. Cut Down on Alcohol

Alcohol can sabotage your progress by adding extra calories and disrupting your sleep.

Even a few drinks can wipe out your calorie deficit.

Try reducing your alcohol intake or switching to zero-calorie options.

2. Ditch Liquid Calories

Start getting rid of sugary drinks and opt for water or zero-calorie diet options.

Choose black coffee over calorie-laden lattes, and opt for whole fruits rather than fruit juices to cut down on unnecessary calories.

3. Embrace Vegetables

Load up on veggies to feel full without consuming too many calories.

Incorporate them into your meals to naturally reduce your overall calorie intake.

Try adding vegetables to your favorite dishes or enjoying them as snacks for a healthy boost.

4. Get Comfortable with Hunger 

Understand that feeling hungry doesn't mean your body is starving.

 It's a sign that your body is tapping into its fat stores for energy.

On your weight loss journey, embrace some hunger as a positive indicator of progress.

5. Say No to Snacks

Break the habit of snacking between meals to control your calorie intake.

Stick to structured meal times to differentiate between genuine hunger and cravings.

By avoiding unnecessary snacks, you'll stay on track with your weight loss goals.

6. Control Your Food Environment

Make healthy choices easier by removing temptations from your surroundings.

Clear your pantry of unhealthy snacks and create barriers between yourself and impulsive food decisions.

By setting up a supportive food environment, you'll make it easier to stick to your weight loss plan.

7. Chew Slowly and Mindfully

Slow down your eating pace to allow your brain to register feelings of fullness.

Chew each bite thoroughly and take breaks between mouthfuls to savor your food.

By eating slowly and mindfully, you'll reduce the risk of overeating and stay in control of your calorie intake.

8. Don't Let Restaurants Decide for You

Take control of your dining choices by being mindful of portion sizes and hidden calories.

Make wise decisions when eating out, and don't hesitate to leave food on your plate if it's too much.

By staying aware of what you're consuming, you can avoid unnecessary calorie overload.

9. Cook at Home More Often

Prepare meals at home to have better control over ingredients and portion sizes.

Cooking at home not only helps you cut down on hidden calories but also saves money.

Plus, it encourages healthier eating habits and gives you the opportunity to experiment with new recipes.

BONUS: Avoid All-or-Nothing Thinking

Don't let minor setbacks derail your progress.

Instead of viewing slip-ups as failures, see them as learning experiences.

Stay consistent with your healthy habits and focus on long-term success rather than short-term perfection.

Your Path To Sustainable Weight Loss

Achieving sustainable weight loss requires a combination of mindful choices, consistency, and perseverance.

By implementing these strategies, you can take significant steps toward reaching your health and fitness goals.

Remember, progress may not always be linear, but by staying committed to your journey and making small, positive changes every day, you can transform your lifestyle and enjoy lasting success.

Now let's go out there, and shred that fat!

Tony Gjokaj
Tony Gjokaj

Tony is the Owner of Reforged. He is a PN1 Certified Nutrition Coach and has been in the fitness space for over a decade. His goal is to help millions exercise their way out of depression and anxiety.

Also in LIFT Your Mood

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