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by Tony Gjokaj March 20, 2021 3 min read

I’ve had clients in the past tell me they wanted to lose an “x” amount of pounds in one month.

Why the one month?

“I just want it done quickly.”

This is understandable... I have been there. But I've always had bad experiences and problems with fitness goals like this.

They’re always outcome-based. High expectations with a probability that they might not be achieved or accomplished.

Things like “I need to drop 15lbs for my wedding in 2 weeks” are always things that people desire for just a specific moment in their life.

This is one of the reasons why I believe people fail.

We expect so much with our goals, but we don't have systems or processes to get to them.

We need to go beyond this with the formulation with the acceptance of a lifestyle change… and of what I like to call Badass Goals.

Building Badass Goals

If we look at successful entrepreneurs, we see a common process in action. Whatever they did to achieve $1 million in revenue can be replicated again and again to generate $2 million & $3 million (more effectively).

You can do this same exact thing with fitness goals.If we can drop 20lbs and know the exact process we used to get there, we can refine it (if needed), and repeat the process successfully.

So this is why I prefer to start with the question:What is your reason, your purpose, to changing your lifestyle through exercise or nutrition?

Your fitness goal should ultimately be built upon by the blueprint: a desire to change your lifestyle.

Badass Goals

What has always worked for me is breaking down my goals with processes.

Each goal must have a system or a process to utilize in order to successfully reach your goals.

Our Badass Goals are a combination of BOTH Outcome Goals and Process Goals.

An Outcome Goal is the desired end-goal. We aren't in control of these goals.

A Process Goal is the process you will use to achieve your desired goal. We are in control of these goals because they are a systematic approach to your goals.

Outcome Goal + Process Goal = Badass Goal

The Badass Goal will get you to the destination. An Outcome Goal is just the finish line. Some of us create goals with a desire to reach the finish line… but we never create the systems or processes to get to that finish line.

Here’s an example of a Badass Goal: “I want to feel healthier and happier. To do this I need to lose body fat and eat better. My goal is to lose 10lbs over the course of ___ weeks. I will do this by attempting to lose 1% of body weight per week. This should be easy if I diet on _____ calories… etc)

As you can see from this, you need to focus on the process.

If you’re dropping 1% of weight per week, that’s DAMN GOOD progress. You’re more inclined to complete your diet this way for adherence reasons: your diet isn’t miserable, it’s manageable.

When you breakdown your goals in this way, things get more visible to achieve. You will create contingency plans if they don’t work.

Creating Your Badass Goal

You can divide your goal up into segments like this:

  • What’s your purpose? Are you looking to be more confident, healthier or happier in your body?
  • What is the Outcome Goal you’re trying to achieve?How many pounds are you trying to lose or gain?
  • Break it down further: How many pounds are you trying to lose weekly (or gain monthly)?We recommend 1% a week for Fat Loss, and 1% a month for Muscle Gain.
  • How will you accomplish this? What kind of diet will you follow? How will you exercise?
  • What contingency plans do you have in between? Will you implement Diet Breaks after long periods of dieting? What will you do if you mess up on your diet? How will you respond to making mistakes?
  • How many weeks or months will you use to achieve your goals? Depending on your goals, less than 3 months is not enough. If you follow 1% a week, it can be 3-5 months. Don’t rush your goals.

This is only an example. However, if you break down every goal into little pieces with a lot of depth, the goal will be more visible and within your grasp.

Your goals will be more achievable by breaking them down like this.

Do you have any questions or comments? Email me at, or direct message us on Instagram.

Until next time, Reforged Legion.

Seize your destiny.

Tony Gjokaj
Tony Gjokaj

Tony is the Owner of Reforged. He is a PN1 Certified Nutrition Coach and has been in the fitness space for over a decade. His goal is to help millions exercise their way out of depression and anxiety.

Also in LIFT Your Mood

5 Best Triceps Exercises: Your Ultimate Arm Development Guide
5 Best Triceps Exercises: Your Ultimate Arm Development Guide

by Tony Gjokaj July 26, 2024 3 min read

When it comes to building impressive arms, the triceps often steal the show.

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In this blog, we’ll dive into five of the most effective triceps exercises that can help you build strength, improve muscle definition, and achieve balanced arm development.

Whether you're aiming to bulk up or just add some extra detail to your arms, these exercises will set you on the right path.

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by Tony Gjokaj July 26, 2024 4 min read

When it comes to building a strong and balanced lower body, the hamstrings are often the unsung heroes.

These muscles play a crucial role in various movements, from running and jumping to lifting and bending.

Despite their importance, hamstring training can sometimes be overlooked or misunderstood.

This guide aims to shed light on the anatomy and function of the hamstrings, provide effective training strategies, and highlight the top exercises to help you maximize your hamstring development.

Whether you're experienced or just starting your fitness journey, understanding how to properly train your hamstrings can enhance your overall strength, performance, and injury prevention.

Let's dive into the best exercises and tips to make your hamstring workouts more effective and efficient.

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