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by Tony Gjokaj July 11, 2020 4 min read

"One hour of pain produces a lifetime of pride." - Greg Plitt

Uncomfort is where we transform, where we find satisfaction, where we find happiness.

It seems paradoxical, right?

Yet that's what is why happiness is a paradox. If you attempt to only search for happiness, you may find yourself struggling for it. Yet, when you fight for something you believe in, no matter how painful it is, you will eventually find it.

Every Day Is A Battle

"The greatest battles are fought in the mind." - Casey Treat

Why do I believe that every day is a battle? Why do I battle every day?

It's this simple: it's easy for me to not work out, to not eat well, to sit around and not accomplish any of my goals.

But will I really be happy from doing nothing and avoiding everything?

There's a dichotomy of happiness. You must feel some setbacks and some adversity in order to acquire the happiness you seek.

Most of the biggest regrets I've personally heard in life are from older individuals and my grandparents. "I wish I would've done more" or "I wish I would've taken more risks".

Battle through learning, work, meditation, exercise, and more.

    The War On Reforging Yourself

    Inspired by 75Hard, we created the War on Reforging Yourself (challenge) to not just help you get in shape but to transform both your mind and body.

    Your mind and body are paramount to reaching your greatest potential. Here's what you can accomplish in embracing this challenge:

    • Develop habits in exercise, nutrition, and personal development.
    • Get in shape.
    • Learn something new every day.
    • Overcome many obstacles and setbacks.
    • Transform.

    There are three phases, or three battles you will encounter to complete the challenge.

    Phase One

    Battle One is a 30-day phase where we introduce six tasks to accomplish per day. To some, these tasks make no sense as they don't "correlate" to one another.

    This is simply not true. Every single one of these tasks allows you to win a battle within yourself, getting better every day.

    30 days of this allows you to push towards some barriers that you might not even have thought was possible.

    If you miss a day, you have to restart at day one.

    You can download the graphic below:

    Phase Two

    Battle Two adds 45 new days to the challenge while introducing one new task: a personal social media post.

    To some, the social media post seems random, but let me dive into it: being able to share what you've learned or accomplished every day is important to others. You have the ability to document your journey and show others your trials, despite whether they're good or bad.

    Watch what happens when you post it frequently on a platform you love. You're going to have a lot more people rooting you on.

    45 days of this phase will push you even further into more positive and progressive habits.

    If you miss a day, you have to restart at day one of phase two. You may start phase two immediately after phase one, or do it within 30 days of phase one.

    You can download the graphic below:

    Phase Three

    Battle Three expands exercise to 60-90 minutes while including proper sleep and meditation every day.

    To some, this might be pointless - but the goal with the sleep and meditation are the following:

    • Sleep: Better recovery, mood, focus, mental health, and more. DO NOT neglect your sleep.
    • Meditation: Stillness in some form breeds happiness. Whether it is complete silence or deep breaths, this stillness is important.

    60 days of building these habits will completely reforge you.

    These tasks might seem overwhelming at first, but since you conquered phase two and phase one, this should be easier to handle.

    If you miss a day, you will have to start at day one, phase three. You may start phase three immediately after phase two, or do it within 30 days of phase two.

    You can download the graphic below:

    A Lifetime of Pride

    As I am writing this post, I am on phase two of the War Of Reforging Myself. Just by doing these tasks every day, I have been able to be more confident and certain of myself.

    My thoughts are the exact actions that I produce.

    What I am online is exactly what I am in real life.

    This is something you should be happy or even prideful for. It's a powerful feeling to genuinely be happy for what you've accomplished, even if it isn't much to others. Some people will judge others based on their work performance, rather than their mindset and leadership capabilities.

    Our goal with Reforged is to turn you into the leader of your mind, body, and soul. While you can't directly control the world around you, you can control how you perceive the world around you.

    This is exactly what the War to Reforging Yourself is about.

    How has your battle to being better been? Do you have any thoughts or perspectives you would like to add? 

    Comment below, direct message me on social (@ibtonyg) or even email me at

    I would love to hear from you.

    Until next time, Reforged Legion!

    Tony Gjokaj
    Tony Gjokaj

    Tony is the Owner of Reforged. He is a PN1 Certified Nutrition Coach and has been in the fitness space for over a decade. His goal is to help millions exercise their way out of depression and anxiety.

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