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by Tony Gjokaj July 20, 2020 3 min read

Fitness has allowed us to explore various opportunities in improving our entire lifestyle - mind, and body.

The more we started researching supplements, nutrition, and exercise, we found more importance in the holistic side of fitness. This allowed us to experience this side of fitness, and even educate others on the benefits of holistic fitness.

One of our favorite parts of holistic health is the adaptogens and herbs. We believe that these have allowed us to take our physical and mental performance to the next level.

Today, I wanted to dive into Bacopa Monnieri, one of the stronger adaptogens we have researched. Bacopa has a lot of great studies backing it, so we felt the need to share them with you.

Let's dive in!

About Bacopa Monnieri

Bacopa Monnieri (aka water hyssop) is an ayurvedic herb that has been used for thousands of years. It has been used to improve cognition by reducing anxiety, reducing inflammation, and more. While generally studied in an older population of people, there are various studies of its cognitive effects in young individuals as well.

Bacopa has been shown to regulate serotonin, and mainly works to improve neuron connection, allowing us to turn short-term memory into long-term memory.

Being a part of the same herbal family as Ashwagandha, this herb is a pretty powerful nootropic and adaptogen.

Benefits of Bacopa

One of Bacopa Monnieri's biggest strengths is that it is an adaptogen. Adaptogens are powerful herbs that, when used consistently for weeks, can have antioxidant capabilities. This means that they can resist physical and mental stressors, improving mind and body performance.

Think about adaptogens like exercise: when taken consistently, you will experience great results overtime!

The benefits of consistently taking bacopa monnieri is the following:

One of our favorite things about bacopa is the fact that it helps turn short-term memory to long-term memory. This means that bacopa is incredible for studying, memorizing, or even learning new skills.

You can utilize bacopa for anything: learning new exercise movements, preparing for a speech, personal development, and more.

Using Bacopa

When it comes to supplementing with Bacopa Monnieri, here is what we recommend:

  • Bacopa should be taken in dosages around 200-400mg.
  • As it is fat-soluble, it should be taken with a meal.
  • It should be used daily over the course of weeks for its benefits.
  • We highly recommend taking it with caffeine. This is to ward off any lethargy you might get from adaptogens.

Remember that Bacopa is an adaptogen, meaning it must be frequently taken to experience all of its benefits! 

The Bacopa Rundown

So as you can see here, Bacopa Monnieri is a pretty great nootropic and adaptogenic herb. It benefits you in the following way:

  • Improves cognition as a result of reducing stress.
  • Improves Memory.
  • Reduces Inflammation.
  • Regulates Serotonin.
  • And more.

In taking around 200-400mg of bacopa monnieri daily over the course of weeks, you will experience these benefits and anti-oxidant benefits of well.

Consider supplementing with bacopa for any task that requires physical and mental performance. This can be exercise, strategizing, doing difficult or new tasks, and more.

Spark Your Mornings

Since we believe bacopa monnieri is a powerful adaptogen, we decided to put it into our product, Spark.

Our nootropic adaptogen Spark contains 300mg of Bacopa, making it an excellent product to spark your mornings. Coupled with a caffeinated beverage like Impulse, you can truly augment your lifestyle.

You can get yours here.

I hope that this has helped educate you all on the various benefits of Bacopa Monnieri. We believe it's an incredible herb, and we hope that it helps you improve your lifestyle in some way.

Any questions, comments, or insights? Throw them below, direct email me at

Thanks for reading, Reforged Legion!

Until next time, warriors!

Tony Gjokaj
Tony Gjokaj

Tony is the Owner of Reforged. He is a PN1 Certified Nutrition Coach and has been in the fitness space for over a decade. His goal is to help millions exercise their way out of depression and anxiety.

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